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Doing Two Things At Once (and having one of them being a screen saver)

On the whole, in Windows, if you want to do more than one thing from a single command line command, or a simple shortcut, you should put it in a script. Scripts are easier to test and troubleshoot, they're more extensible, they keep the logic of what's being done easier to read. But sometimes there're too much effort for the job - you really just want some easy things happening in a row. In which case, the "&" command separator can be your friend.

On a Windows command line, you can put instruction1 & instruction2 and they'll just run straight after each other.

cd \ & dir .

... gets you to the root of the drive (cd \) and then shows a directory listing there (dir . )

Of course, this is just running things: there's no error control or data passing happening here. But for compactly doing a few things in order it's tidy (though putting them in a script is still better!).

You can data-pass via piping to files, of course:

date /t >c:\temp\today.txt & notepad c:\temp\today.txt

... gives you an editable file in Notepad with today's date in it, for instance

One example that I recently had was where I wanted a simple shortcut icon on the dekstop to lock the console and start the screen saver. Either on its own is easy, putting them together seemed a bit much for a script, so I decided to have an & command line.

(NB: most of the detail here is just about triggering screen savers from the command line)

Theoretically, this should just have been

cmd /c c:\windows\screensaver_name.scr & Rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation,/p>

... except that only gets the screensaver setup window, not the actual screensaver display itself. If I create a shortcut just using the command line


... that starts the screensaver as a screen saver. So there's an inconsistency between the command line in a command prompt window and the Command Line entry in a shortcut. Gotta love standardization.

There's a way around this: call the shortcut from the command line!


cmd /c "path_of_shortcut_lnk_file" & Rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation

... works nicely, either from a command prompt or from a second shortcut (shortcuts hate running .lnk files directly)

Upshot is that I can now lock the workstation and leave it running the pretty screensaver from a single place. Which looks nice

(It could be practical for something like a machine in a public place, so as to show the organization's branding whenever a machine's not in use, say, without having to wait for the normal screensaver timeout.)

Niall H. , Feb 2024